Ultrasonographic Measurements of Reproductive Organs of Male Goat during Non-breeding Season


  • Hamed T Elbaz Theriogenology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sadat City, Menofia, Egypt.
  • Emad M Abdel Razek Theriogenology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sadat City, Menofia, Egypt.


Bucks, Ultrasound, Testis, accessory sex glands, Non-breeding season.


The aim of the present study was to visualize the testes and the accessory sex glands in male goat during non-breeding season with ultrasonography. A clinically healthy eight adult Egyptian male Baladi goats were used in a study to compare ultrasonographic measurements of reproductive organs. A scanning technique done in standing position using rectal probe for imaging scrotal contents and imaging pelvic accessory sex glands and the measurements were recorded. The mean scrotum circumference was 25.75 ± 0.55cm and the morphometric measurements of the right and left testis length were (9.50 ± 0.32cm and 9.75 ± 0.25cm respectively. Ultrasonographic imagings of testes were appeared as homogeneous with a coarse medium echo-pattern testicular parenchyma ranging from low to moderate echogenicity. The tail of the epididymis was appeared as globular, heterogeneous, less echogenic than testis with some white streaks in center. Ampulla appeared as hypo-echogenic to non-echogenic texture. Vesicular glands appeared as a heterogeneous hypo-echogenic structure. The pars disseminata of prostate gland was not well developed in bucks. Bulbourethral glands were easily identified in all bucks and appeared with variable echogenicity from hypo-echogenic to moderate echogenicity. It was concluded that ultrasonography provides a benefits in studying the changes in echogenicity and measurements of the testes and accessory sex glands of male goat and obtained data could provide a useful tool for predicting male goat fertility.






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