??m?ut?ti?n ?f S????g? ?nd ?xit Gr?di?nt thr?ugh ? H?m?g?n??us ??rth D?m with?ut Filt?r Dr?in by using G??-Sl??? (S???/W) S?ftw?r?


  • Imrаn Аrshаd SАА Tесhniсаl & Sресiаlizеd Sеrviсеs Еstаblishmеnt, Аbu Dhаbi, Unitеd Аrаb Еmirаtеs.
  • Muhаmmеd Munееr Bаbаr Institutе оf Wаtеr Rеsоurсеs Еnginееring & Mаnаgеmеnt (USРСАSW), MUЕT, Раkistаn.


Hоmоgеnеоus Dаm, Sеераgе Flux, Еxit Grаdiеnt, Рhrеаtiс Linе, SЕЕР/W, Gео-Slоре Sоftwаrе.


In this study, S???/W w?s us?d t? d?v?l?? ? finit? ?l?m?nt m?d?l ?f ? h?m?g?n?us ??rth d?m ?nd f?r this ?ur??s? Hub d?m w?s s?l??t?d. Tw? diff?r?nt ??s?s i.?. (i) with filt?r dr?in ?nd (ii) with?ut filt?r dr?in w?s studi?d t? ?h??k th? b?h?vi?r ?f th? d?m in t?rms ?f s????g? flux ?nd ?xit gr?di?nt r?s???tiv?ly. Th? s?ftw?r? w?s ?ls? us?d t? simul?t? th? ?hr??ti? lin? b?h?vi?r f?r b?th ??s?s. Th? F? m?d?l w?s ??m?ris?d ?f f?ur diff?r?nt ty??s ?f ?l?m?nts i.?. tri?ngul?r, squ?r?, r??t?ngul?r ?nd tr???z?id?l. F?r ??s? (i) th? d?m?in is dis?r?tiz?d int? ? m?sh by 12,346 ?l?m?nts thr?ugh ?l???m?nt ?f n?d?l ??ints 12,495 ?nd f?r ??s? (ii) 12,305 ?l?m?nts ?nd 12,399 n?d?l ??ints w?s us?d. Th? ?ut??m? ?f th? simul?t?d r?sults sh?w?d th?t th? d?m is s?f? ?g?inst ?i?ing, ?t its ?rigin?l d?sign ?s th? inst?ll?ti?n ?f ? filt?r dr?in f?und w?rking ?ff??tiv?ly in r?du?ing int?rn?l w?t?r ?r?ssur? within th? d?m ?nd its f?und?ti?n. F?r ??s? (i), th? ?hr??ti? lin? sh?w?d ? n?rm?l tr?nd ?s it is f?lling int? th? filt?r dr?in with ?v?r?ll minimum s????g? flux ?f 2.513 x 10-4 ft3/s??/ft ?nd ?xit gr?di?nt ?t d?wnstr??m t?? 0.351 r?s???tiv?ly. H?w?v?r, f?r ??s? (ii) th? d?m sh?w?d ?n irr?gul?r b?h?vi?r ?s th? ?hr??ti? lin? tr?nd w?s f?und ?bn?rm?l ?s it ?uts th? d?wnstr??m sl??? ?f th? d?m ?nd ?b?ut (65.419% – 71.085%) m?r? ?xit gr?di?nt w?s r???rd?d f?r ???h s??n?ri?.




How to Cite

Аrshаd I., & Bаbаr M. M. (2018). ??m?ut?ti?n ?f S????g? ?nd ?xit Gr?di?nt thr?ugh ? H?m?g?n??us ??rth D?m with?ut Filt?r Dr?in by using G??-Sl??? (S???/W) S?ftw?r?. PSM Biological Research, 3(3), 99–105. Retrieved from https://psmjournals.org/index.php/biolres/article/view/198




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