Solid Waste Management is Essential for Building Sustainable Communities


  • Asfa Ashraf The School of Life Sciences, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350117, China; Pakistan Science Mission (PSM), Narowal (Noor Kot 51770), Pakistan; Association of Applied BioMedical Sciences (AABMS), Narowal (51770), Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Naeem Iqbal The School of Life Sciences, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China; Pakistan Science Mission (PSM), Narowal (Noor Kot 51770), Pakistan.

کلمات کلیدی:

Urbanization, Industrialization, Resource utilization, Solid Waste Management, Sustainable environment.


Rapid urbanization, industrialization, unnecessary resource utilization, and subsequent solid waste management (SWM) are the major problems that could even potentially threaten human existence on earth. Improper solid waste management is a serious problem for the environment and public health. The factors which affect solid waste management are lack of community interest, unawareness among people, lack of availability of resources, diverse areas and fewer workers, population growth, land site problems, open dumping of waste, waste burning, and lack of interest from the government. In this issue, Rahman et al. report the inadequate facilities for solid waste management in district Swat, where most of the residents supported the recycling of resources for a better environment. SWM requires basic planning process or the advancement of waste administration framework for movement toward sustainability.


چاپ شده


ارجاع به مقاله

Ashraf, A., & Iqbal, M. N. (2021). Solid Waste Management is Essential for Building Sustainable Communities. PSM Microbiology, 6(3), 89–91. Retrieved از


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