PSM Microbiology <p style="text-align: justify;">PSM Microbiology (ISSN: 2518-3834) is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, open access,&nbsp; international journal that considers articles on all aspects of microbiology and allied sciences.</p> en-US (PSM Microbiology) (MANI MUGHAL) Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Isolation and Identification of Bacteria from Ready-to-Eat Fish Sold in Makurdi Metropolis <p>Fish is considered one of the sources of proteins, vitamins, and minerals as well as a necessary nutrient for dietary supplementation in both infants and adults. However, fish are susceptible to a wide variety of bacterial pathogens, most of which are capable of causing disease. This research study was carried out to isolate and identify the bacterial contaminant of ready-to-eat roasted fish in Makurdi, Benue State. Twenty-five (25) samples were collected in clean polythene bags, 5 samples each from five different locations comprising High Level, Wadata, Wurukum, North Bank, and Kanshio. The samples were appropriately labelled and were taken to the laboratory for bacteriological analysis. The bacterial loads of the samples were determined using the Pour plate method of inoculation. The colonies obtained were sub-cultured repeatedly to obtain pure cultures. The isolates were identified using morphological and biochemical tests. The organisms isolated were Salmonella typhi, Escherichia coli, Shigella spp., and Staphylococcus aureus. The total viable counts ranged between 2.53x10<sup>7</sup> to 5.5x10<sup>7</sup>cfu/g. The overall occurrence of bacteria isolated from the study area was 76.00%. Salmonella typhi (30.3%) had the highest occurrence while Shigella spp. (18.9%) had the least. With respect to locations, the North bank (28.3%) had the highest occurrence while the High level (15.1%) had the least. The implication is that consumers of this contaminated fish product are at high risk of getting infected with food-borne associated infections. Therefore, it is recommended that sanitary conditions under which ready-to-eat fish are handled, processed, and stored should be improved upon to reflect standard or good hygienic practices.</p> Joel Inya Odo, Yuana Awua, Mvena Gbargbar, Edward Akange Copyright (c) 2023 PSM Thu, 21 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Anti-bacterial Activity of Moringa oleifera Seeds against Selected Bacterial Pathogens <p><em>Moringa oleifera</em> seeds were collected and analysed for phytochemicals using ethanol and aqueous solvents in order to determine the antibacterial efficacy of <em>M. oleifera</em> seeds against certain bacterial infections. The agar well diffusion method was used to further investigate the antibacterial activity of two extracts (ethanol and aqueous) on a selection of test organisms at various concentrations. Additionally, the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal (MBC) of the extracts were determined. The presence of alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, saponin, cardiac glycoside, and phenol was confirmed by phytochemical examination. The ethanolic extract exhibited higher antibacterial activity in comparison to the aqueous extract. Our results revealed a significant difference (p&lt;0.05) in the zones of inhibition at varying doses between the ethanol and the aqueous extract of the seed. <em>Escherichia coli</em> showed the highest zone of inhibition (21.50±7.07 mm), followed by <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> (20.00±0.01 mm) while <em>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</em> (16.00±0.00 mm) showed the lowest zone of inhibition against different concentrations of the ethanol seed extract.<em> S. aureus</em> showed the highest zone of inhibition (24.00±1.41 mm) followed by <em>P. aeruginosa</em> (22.50±0.00 mm) and <em>E. coli </em>showed the lowest zone of inhibition (19.50±8.07 mm) against different concentrations of the aqueous seed extract. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for all test organisms using ethanol extract was 50% while for aqueous extract both <em>E. coli</em> and <em>S. aureus</em> showed 40%, and <em>P. aeruginosa </em>25%. In the ethanol extract, the MBC values for <em>E. coli</em> were 30%, while <em>S. aureus</em> and <em>P. aeruginosa</em> showed 25%. However, in the aqueous extract, the MBC values for <em>S. aureus</em> were 30%, <em>E. coli</em> were 25%, and there was no discernible MBC for <em>P. aeruginosa</em>. Antimicrobial activity against the test species were demonstrated by the ethanolic and aqueous extracts at varying doses. It is feasible to use the extracts, especially the ethanol extract, as an antibacterial agent to treat infectious pathogenic disorders since it had the greatest impact of all the extracts. Drugs for the treatment of many illnesses and disorders can be made using <em>M. oleifera</em> in the pharmaceutical industry.</p> Paulyn Tracy Aernan, Joel Inya Odo, John Matthew Omeji, Yaji Mnena Eunice, Muhammad Naeem Iqbal Copyright (c) 2023 PSM Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Increased Expression of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS) in Sperms as an Indicator of Male Infertility: New Medical Hypothesis <p>The number of men who are unable to father children is on the rise all around the world. The evaluation of neurological and inflammatory characteristics of the male reproductive system was the primary objective of this particular investigation. In addition to this, we desired to impart our knowledge to others employing the inducible nitric oxide synthase synthesis in sperm. Nitric oxide (NO) has been shown to play beneficial functions in a variety of aspects of male reproduction. On the other hand, NO that is produced by iNOS has the potential to have negative effects and may play a role in male infertility.</p> Ahed J Alkhatib Copyright (c) 2023 PSM Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000